Highly skilled migrant

By Expat from the…, 15 December, 2021
Alley in Amersfoort

I came to the Netherlands as a highly skilled migrant from outside of EU. Today I will tell you more about a highly skilled migrant. If you meet the following requirements and conditions you are regarded as a highly skilled migrant in the Netherlands:
• You do not have the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland.

• You live outside the Netherlands.

• You have an employment contract with a company located outside the EU.

• You are going to be transferred as a manager, specialist or trainee to a branch in the Netherlands.


There are certain conditions that apply to everyone. In addition, you and your employer have to meet the following conditions:

• You have an employment contract with an employer or research institution in the Netherlands. This employer is a recognized sponsor by the IND. Recognized employers are listed in the Public Register of Recognized Sponsors.

• You are going to earn sufficient income.

• The agreed wage is in accordance with market conditions.

There are some extra condition that you can read in more details in :

After applying for a job in the Netherlands

Bigger company's in the Netherlands which are hiring expats more often have experience helping you as an expat coming to the Netherlands. Some company's have the knowledge themself or they can hire a specialized company to help you get the the documentation together. You can read more about the residence permit in my other blog post. Also they will help you with the 30 percent ruling.